HIV Prevention
Prevention is better than cure. The best thing you can do is to protect yourself and others when having sex. By taking control of your sexual health and well-being, you can enjoy a long and healthy life.
Tools to prevent HIV:

Condoms are the easiest way to protect yourself against HIV, most other STIs and unplanned pregnancy.

Pre-exposure Prophylaxis
PrEP is when you do not have HIV, but take medication which can reduce the chances of getting HIV by 99%.

Get tested.
It’s Better2Know.
It is Better2Know to help protect others and if you test positive, you can go on medication.

HIV treatment
Taking HIV medication can help to control the virus so you can live a long and healthy life.

Post-exposure Prophylaxis
PEP is when you take medicine to stop HIV after you think you may have been exposed to HIV.